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The Unheard Siren's Lament

sea shore

In the abyss of silence, a heart's desperate plea, "Pick me, love me, choose me," a futile decree. But its cries are drowned in carnage and gore, As vultures feast on what beats no more.

Innocence shattered, too young to comprehend, The cruel rhythms of life, its merciless bend. Hellish tides ebb and flow, a relentless dance, Leaving you adrift in a sea of circumstance.

Matron's envy, a gossamer trap so fine, You're threat incarnate, though you've crossed no line. On your brow, a neon sign ablaze, "Pick me, love me," in this macabre maze.

They chose you indeed, stripped you to the bone, A hollow vessel, emptied and alone. No balm to soothe, no salve to mend, You wrapped yourself in causes, endlessly to bend.

Limbs contorted, insect-like and frail, You crawled through shadows, spinning your tale. Survival's web, a purpose self-imposed, A chrysalis of pain, metamorphosis enclosed.

The mirror reflects a stranger's face, "Pick me, love me," lost without a trace. So you reshape, remold, redesign, The world blind to your shift to the divine.

In this theatre of the absurd, you play your part, A chameleon soul with a siren's heart. Unnoticed, unloved, unchosen still, You lean into your power, bending to your will.

The plea silenced, the heart beats anew, No longer begging, for the choosing is you. In darkness forged, in pain refined,

A phoenix rises, no longer confined.


About the Author

Paradise Rodriguez-Bordeaux

🌎 Global Business Strategist: Building Your Business To Sustainable Profits


🎗Empowerment Mentor

 A Paradise Company Inc. /Léoniea Domaines

 best-selling author & entrepreneur.

 Paradise Rodríguez-Bordeaux,

Human Rights Activist award and the 2023 Innovative Leadership Awards recipient says,

"Boundaries are non-negotiable "

Paradise draws from her personal experiences as a global citizen, philanthropist, and empowerment mentor to craft transformative stories that celebrate embracing one's multifaceted identity. Her published works, including the memoir "Trouver Paradise" and the entrepreneurship finance guide "Financially Fit", reflect her commitment to shattering limitations and inspiring readers. As an Intentionally Innovative thought leader, Paradise continues to push the boundaries of what's possible through her evocative writing.


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