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Reclaiming My Time


I've walked through the valley of trauma's shadow, Surviving the storms that sought to lay me low. But no more will I cower, no more will I chase, For I'm reclaiming my territory, my sacred space.

Too long I've been shackled by the chains of the past, Bound by the echoes of pain that wouldn't last. But today, I break free, I shed that heavy cloak, Emerging from the ashes, a phoenix's stroke.

No looking back, no dwelling in strife, For I've tasted the nectar of a thriving life. Unapologetic in my quest for joy's embrace, I'm reclaiming my time, leaving no crumb to trace.

Like Auntie Maxine, I'm taking up space, Refusing to dim my light or hide my face. If it doesn't fulfill me, if it doesn't feed my soul, I'll let it go, for I'm fully whole.

No chasing mirages, no settling for less, I'm writing my own story, a life I'll truly bless. Trauma may have shaped me, but it doesn't define, For I'm a survivor, a warrior divine.

So watch me rise, watch me soar, Reclaiming the territory that's mine, and more. Unapologetic in my pursuit of bliss,

This is my time, and

nothing will I miss.


About the Author

Paradise Rodriguez-Bordeaux

🌎 Global Business Strategist: Building Your Business To Sustainable Profits


🎗Empowerment Mentor

 A Paradise Company Inc. /Léoniea Domaines

 best-selling author & entrepreneur.

 Paradise Rodríguez-Bordeaux,

Human Rights Activist award and the 2023 Innovative Leadership Awards recipient says,

"Boundaries are non-negotiable "

Paradise draws from her personal experiences as a global citizen, philanthropist, and empowerment mentor to craft transformative stories that celebrate embracing one's multifaceted identity. Her published works, including the memoir "Trouver Paradise" and the entrepreneurship finance guide "Financially Fit", reflect her commitment to shattering limitations and inspiring readers. As an Intentionally Innovative thought leader, Paradise continues to push the boundaries of what's possible through her evocative writing.


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