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Metamorphosis Divine

woman meditating

Echoes of pain, shadows of yesteryear, No longer define me, no longer I fear. Scars tell stories of battles hard-fought, Survival's not victory, but lessons it taught.

Surviving's not thriving, I've learned the hard way, No looking back, it's a brand new day. Apologies? Silenced. Regrets? Left behind. Reclaiming my time, reclaiming my mind.

Like Auntie Maxine, I stand tall and proud, No longer diminished, no longer bowed. My voice rises up, a thunderous roar, Taking up space like never before.

The chase is over, I'm done with that game, No fitting into someone else's frame. If it's not fulfilling, it won't fill my plate, There is no settling, no second-rate.

Trauma tried to define me, tried to confine me, But I've broken those chains, set my spirit free. No apologizing for who I've become, My worth isn't measured by anyone's sum.

I'm won't shrink myself to make others feel tall, I won't be dimming my light, I'm shining through it all. If it's not feeding my soul, then I'm not interested, My time, my energy - carefully invested.

From surviving to thriving, a metamorphosis divine, Shedding old skin, letting my true self shine. Unapologetically me, fierce and bold, My story, my rules - no longer controlled.

So hear me now, world, as I take center stage, No accepting bit parts in someone else's page.

I'm the author, the star, the director, the crew, Of this life that I'm living, this dream coming true.

Reclaiming my time, reclaiming my space, No longer a survivor, but thriving with grace. If it doesn't serve me, then it's time to let go, I've planted new seeds, now, watch my spirit grow.


About the Author

Paradise Rodriguez-Bordeaux

🌎 Global Business Strategist: Building Your Business To Sustainable Profits


🎗Empowerment Mentor

 A Paradise Company Inc. /Léoniea Domaines

 best-selling author & entrepreneur.

 Paradise Rodríguez-Bordeaux,

Human Rights Activist award and the 2023 Innovative Leadership Awards recipient says,

"Boundaries are non-negotiable "

Paradise draws from her personal experiences as a global citizen, philanthropist, and empowerment mentor to craft transformative stories that celebrate embracing one's multifaceted identity. Her published works, including the memoir "Trouver Paradise" and the entrepreneurship finance guide "Financially Fit", reflect her commitment to shattering limitations and inspiring readers. As an Intentionally Innovative thought leader, Paradise continues to push the boundaries of what's possible through her evocative writing.


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