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Chains Breaker

chained door

Innocent soul, barely old enough to crawl, Thrust into a world that demanded you run. It wasn't your fault, how were you to know? The weight of survival, before life had begun.

Scars formed keloids, raised reminders of pain, A map of survival etched into your skin. Yet beneath those marks, a spirit unbroken, A flame of resilience burning within.

Ancestors whispered, they chose you, they said, To carry the burden, to break ancient chains. But why you? Did you deserve such a fate? To shoulder the weight of generational pains?

No shoulders to lean on, no refuge in sight, Through swamps of despair, you fought to survive. Each step a battle, each breath a small victory, In a world that seemed determined to see you not thrive.

But listen, dear warrior, hear this truth: Your pain wasn't deserved, your struggles not earned. You were chosen not for suffering, but for strength, For the power within you, too long unlearned.

Those chains you carry, they're not yours to bear, But yours to shatter, to break, and transcend. The ancestors chose you not to suffer, But to rise, to heal, to fight, and to mend.

So forge ahead through the swamps of your past, Let each step be a testament to your might. For in breaking these chains, you're setting us free, Turning generational darkness into light.


About the Author

Paradise Rodriguez-Bordeaux

🌎 Global Business Strategist: Building Your Business To Sustainable Profits


🎗Empowerment Mentor

 A Paradise Company Inc. /Léoniea Domaines

 best-selling author & entrepreneur.

 Paradise Rodríguez-Bordeaux,

Human Rights Activist award and the 2023 Innovative Leadership Awards recipient says,

"Boundaries are non-negotiable "

Paradise draws from her personal experiences as a global citizen, philanthropist, and empowerment mentor to craft transformative stories that celebrate embracing one's multifaceted identity. Her published works, including the memoir "Trouver Paradise" and the entrepreneurship finance guide "Financially Fit", reflect her commitment to shattering limitations and inspiring readers. As an Intentionally Innovative thought leader, Paradise continues to push the boundaries of what's possible through her evocative writing.


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