A Paradise Company Inc.
"I believe in my responsibility to create change in society; You can't just take, you have to give too..
I am an entrepreneur who believes in creating opportunities for women and minorities.
It isn't helpful to count all the ways that business environments are not accessible or equitable.
Instead, I believe in action. That action starts with me and healthy leadership skills and, unapologetically, taking up earned space.
I am a woman who has overcome adversity and aims to
continue inspiring others through my work."
- CEO/ Founder, Paradise Rodriguez-Bordeaux
Building businesses that are Intentionally Innovative with an emphasis on Sustainability at our core.

Our team is passionate about making a difference in the world and we strive to create lasting change through the businesses we establish through equitable and sustainable practices.
Journey With Us!
We believe that businesses can be a force for good and we are committed to using our platform to make a positive impact.
People, Purpose, Progress.

80% digitally driven. By the end of 2023, we plan to mostly operate
paper-free offices.
Launching our "Community Cares" program to provide accommodations for team members needing loved-on care and/or pet care whiles they're working

Effectively complete our improved environmental performance indicators (EPIs)
As a growing and innovative business, we at are all too aware of the risks associated with climate change and the dwindling resources businesses and communities increasingly face. We are also conscious of the impact product industries can have on the environment. That is why we have made it our mission to identify and mitigate the current and future negative environmental impacts associated with our ability to produce the wines, skincare and cosmetics you love.

We are committed to providing opportunities for our women team members to grow and develop their skills. We also support initiatives that promote responsible consumption of products like our wines, such as education campaigns and events that encourage moderation and alternative choices.

Economic sustainability involves making sure our businesses make a profit, but also ensuring that operations don't create social or environmental issues that would harm the long-term success of our company We strive to use our resources in an efficient and responsible way that provides long-term benefits and establishes profitability.

Our employees are our number one asset, so it's crucial that they have a healthy work environment and feel supported. Creating a positive workplace is a top priority for us, because when our employees are happy and thriving, everyone benefits.
A Paradise Company™ believes Team-Productivity is one of the keys to sustained economic growth. A Paradise Company™ brands each place a focus on increasing employee satisfaction by creating competitive wages and benefits packages, making the workplace safer, and adopting strong moral values.